Ce que les gens pensent de nous


Nous sommes sur ARTE TV dans l'émission Invitation au Voyage


Un magnifique reportage de 11 minutes sur l'histoire des Juifs Portugais.








Chère Patricia


Merci beaucoup pour la visite extrêmement instructive.

Nous avons tous apprécié l'expérience et tellement appris sur la vie des Juifs à Lisbonne aujourd'hui

et tout sur leur incroyable histoire à travers les siècles.


Vous et votre mari faites un travail incroyable pour garder les souvenirs des icônes historiques

et des histoires juives inspirantes vivantes.


Une visite incontournable pour tous ceux qui souhaitent apprendre et comprendre la vie des Juifs
au fil des Siècles au Portugal et à Lisbonne.


Merci beaucoup !


Erez B. (Manchester Royaume-Uni)






Chère Patricia,


Merci beaucoup pour la merveilleuse visite que vous nous avez offerte le 10 août.

Ce fut vraiment le point culminant de tout notre voyage à Lisbonne.

Mon seul regret était que nous ayons réservé votre visite lors de notre dernier jour à Lisbonne,
et une seule visite avec vous ne suffisait pas.


Tout le meilleur pour vous et votre famille!


J'espère vous voir l'année prochaine pour une nouvelle visite !

Svetlana, Mark, Katia et Sonia B. (États-Unis).



Bonjour Patricia et Joseph,


Ma fille et moi tenons à vous remercier pour ce merveilleux Shabbat que nous avons passé avec vous le week-end dernier.
Vous nous avez tous les deux accueillis chez vous et avez rendu notre Shabbat à Lisbonne très spécial.
Les repas étaient délicieux et la conversation et les histoires que vous avez racontées étaient toutes si intéressantes !
Nous avons également adoré la visite que nous avons faite avec vous.
Les détails que vous connaissez sur l'histoire juive de Lisbonne sont incroyables et ont vraiment retenu notre attention.
Merci pour votre aide et vos conseils lors de notre voyage à Lisbonne.
Le point culminant de notre voyage a été sans aucun doute le Shabbat que nous avons passé avec vous et Joseph.
Je vous souhaite, à vous et à Joseph, le meilleur.
Merci encore.


Marc & Lauren D. (New Jersey, États-Unis)







Bonjour Patricia
Merci pour le temps que vous avez passé avec nous hier, Myriam, Gabriel et moi réfléchissions aux quelques heures significatives et informatives que nous avons passées avec vous, à la quantité de recherches que vous avez dû faire pour partager une histoire aussi riche et puissante des Juifs de
Portugal, et la passion que vous apportez à votre travail.
Par coïncidence, nous avions parcouru une grande partie du même itinéraire la nuit précédente,
mais après l'avoir parcouru avec vous et l'avoir vu à travers vos yeux,
nous avons une perspective tellement différente sur le même chemin.

Pour tous ceux que nous entendons venir à Lisbonne, nous insisterons pour qu'ils vous contactent ! 

Prenez  soin de vous,

Myriam, Gabriel et Ian B. (Toronto - Canada -


Chère Patricia


Un grand merci pour la journée extraordinaire
que nous avons passée à Lisbonne avec vous,
à boire à la source de vos connaissances. 

Vous avez une façon unique et absolument extraordinaire
de raconter l’histoire des juifs dans ce pays. 

J’ai appris énormément de choses en vous écoutant.
Vous avez une façon unique et extrêmement pédagogique de raconter…

Lorsque vous parliez, j’avais vraiment l’impression
de voir un film qui se déroulait devant moi,
voire même de me téléporter dans les époques précédentes.

Vous avez un don très précieux.

Vous êtes aussi passionnée que passionnante.

Depuis que je suis rentrée, je n’ai pas arrêté de me documenter
sur l’histoire des juifs au Portugal.

Un grand merci pour votre générosité,
votre gentillesse et ce magnifique partage.

Je vous souhaite ainsi qu’à vos proches le meilleur.

Nelly D. (Paris - France)




Ma chère Patricia,
Tout d’abord merci pour ce beau voyage dans le temps qui nous a mon mari et moi même énormément ému. Nous avons été épatés par votre savoir. Quel bonheur de vous écouter raconter avec autant de passion mais surtout avec simplicité.
C’etait si clair que nous avons plongé le temps de cette visite dans un passé si vivant.
L’histoire de cette si belle synaguogue, les détails de l’inquisition , 
l’histoire d’Aristide de Sousa Mendes nous a profondément touché.
Chaque monument reprenait vie au son de vos recits.
Si nous avions pu, nous aurions voulu vous voir chaque jour quelques heures 
juste pour vous entendre nous raconter un peu plus et surtout pour pouvoir tout retenir.
Vous nous avez donné envie d’approfondir nos connaissances sur l’histoire des juifs portugais. 
Merci encore, et nous vous souhaitons d’aller au bout de ce que vous avez commencé, 
nous serons alors vos premiers lecteurs . 
Que Votre  mémoire soit encore de longues années aux services
De celui qui veut apprendre. 
Avec toute notre amitié .

Isabelle et Aric O. (Israel)


Très chers Patricia et Joseph
C est donc bien la 1ere fois que nous passons une semaine chez l habitant
Et quels habitants !!!!!!
On peut Remercier Hachem
Il nous a gâter...
Votre simplicité ...
Votre religiosité ...
Votre gentillesse..
Votre savoir vivre...
Votre culture ...
Vaut mieux que tous
Les hôtels 5 étoiles du Portugal 
En 1 semaine...
nous avons presque...
tous SU tout vu ...
Sans compter 
L histoire des juifs 
Dans son ensemble au portugal 
Ou ailleurs....
Oui merci à vous 2
Merci de votre amour
Infini pour la thorah...
Merci de cette intimité 
Que nous avons ressenti 
au fond de nous mêmes 
On était bien....
On se sentait chez nous..
Alors de tout coeur...
Nous prions hachem
De vous donner 
La santé..
Qu il vous protège 
De toutes mauvaises choses 
Qu il accorde la guérison complète 
A notre cher Joseph ...
Afin qu il puisse 
continuer longtemps 
La diffusion de son savoir 
Partout où il pourra le faire
Sans oublier notre patricia
Un guide exceptionnel ...
Car l écouter est une vraie fête..
A vous 2 c est un récital 
On vous aime 💕
Avec toute notre affection
Liliane & Georges A. & Myriam & Jacob A. (Paris)


Chers Joseph et Patricia

Merci pour votre accueil et votre gentillesse.
Notre Voyage à Lisbonne n'aurait pas eu le même impact sans votre énergie et votre savoir.
Vous faites revivre cette vie juive de Lisbonne avec brio.
Ma chère Patricia vote cuisine est digne d'un chef étoilé que je recommande
et vous mon Cher Joseph votre humour nous a ravi tout au long du repas de
chabath chaleureux et en bonne compagnie.
Bravo d'être là et je recommande vraiment la visite guidée par Patricia qui est un livre d'histoire vivant...
Marie-Hélène et Henry S. (Paris. France)
Chers Joseph et Patricia
Un grand merci pour nous avoir fait découvrir la Lisbonne juive
grâce à l'érudition et la pédagogie de Patricia et les récits extraordinaires de Joseph.
Nous avons partagé votre vie durant ce chabat cacher familial et chaleureux
qui nous fait rencontrer des juifs de tous horizons.
La cuisine de Patricia est une merveille.
Joseph et Patricia nous ont reçu avec une grande hospitalité.
Nous quittons à peine Lisbonne que nous envisageons d'ores et déjà de revenir visiter nos hôtes.
Passage incontournable pour les amoureux de Lisbonne et de son histoire
Vous avez empli nos cœurs et nos esprits de belles histoires et de votre grande gentillesse.
Nous étions en famille.
Nous souhaitons de tout coeur qu'Hashem vous bénisse et vous donne santé et accomplissements de vos souhaits. 
Judith, Eytan et Nicolas M. (Genève. Suisse)

Bonjour Patricia,

Merci beaucoup d'avoir rendu notre séjour si agréable.

Nous avons vraiment apprécié votre compagnie, votre belle maison,

et surtout votre nourriture (qui rivalise avec les meilleurs restaurants kasher de Manhattan).

Bonne chance,


Famille L.  (New York, États-Unis)





Merci à Patricia et Joseph pour ce délicieux Chabbat passé avec vous.

Vous avez réussi à combiner une cuisine gastronomique de haute qualité à un sens de la perfection et de la modestie.

Merci aussi de nous faire partager la richesse de votre
culture inépuisable,
ainsi que lors de nos repas lors de la visite de Lisbonne.
Grâce à vous, nous avons découvert une Lisbonne différente décrite dans les guides.
Une adresse à ne pas manquer lors de votre séjour à Lisbonne.

Sabrina et Mark B. (Paris, France)

---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------


Chers Patricia et Joseph


David et moi sommes revenus de notre voyage à Lisbonne après une longue journée de voyage en raison de problèmes météorologiques dans la région de New York. 

Alors que notre voyage était encore frais dans nos esprits, nous voulions vous remercier pour tout.

Les chambres et la nourriture étaient super et vous rencontrer tous les deux et apprendre à vous connaître a rendu le voyage à Lisbonne si spécial.

Comme vous le savez, nous avons séjourné au Ritz Four Seasons pour quelques nuits avant d'arriver à votre maison pour Shabbat avec notre fille Tali qui parlait à une conférence.  

Rester avec vous et être dans votre maison et passer Shabbat avec vous et aller à shull était mieux que d'être dans un hôtel cinq étoiles.

Nous apprécions vos soins et votre attention sur chaque détail pendant notre séjour pour répondre à mes demandes végétariennes.

Nous vous souhaitons tout le meilleur et je vous remercie encore du fond du cœur. 


Sheara et David A.,  (NJ - États-Unis) 


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Chère Patricia et Yosef,


Avec un peu de retard, nous aimerions vous remercier sincèrement pour l'exceptionnel «Dîner du Shabbat» que nous avons partagé dans votre appartement. Nous nous souviendrons longtemps de l'heureuse coïncidence qui nous a fait rencontrer de vieux amis à votre table, de l'excellence et de la qualité du dîner et des discussions intéressantes tout au long du repas.

En attendant de revenir bientôt à Lisbonne,

Bonne continuation et cordiales salutations,


Gabrielle et Vincent R. (Strasbourg, France)


-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------




My mother and I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful stay we had in Lisbon at your place.

As I mentioned to you in person, we did not just feel we were at a Kosher Bed and Breakfast.

You took us into your home and your hearts.

We got to know you as people and through you, Portugal and its Jewish community.

Your care and concern for us were amazing.

The food was first class gourmet and your home was superb.

It was better than a five star hotel since it was much more than just a place.

The two of you are wonderful baalei chesed, going far beyond what Bed and Breakfast hosts would do.

You made our experience memorable and joyous.

We learned so much from you.

We are so grateful to you for making our Lisbon trip a once in a lifetime experience.

We are delighted to recommend you to others going to Portugal.

May Hashem bless you with good health, good parnasah, and the ability to help others experience Lisbon.

All the best,


Rabbi Dr. Joseph S. O.  And Eva O.  (Chicago.USA)




Dear friend,


We arrived home last night, safely but very tired.

This morning we were able to look at your wonderful photos
of Lisbon. It truly is a beautiful city...rain or sun, but sunny is magnificent. We had one of the most memorable experiences of our entire trip exploring Lisbon with you. Your passion for its Jewish history (and for Lisbon generally) touched us deeply.

Myrna and I thank you for a wonderful and educational day in Lisbon. Meeting you and learning about the Jewish history of Lisbon was very special and meaningful. Our day with you was one of the major highlights of our trip.

We have told all our friends and family that one of the highlights of our 55th wedding anniversary trip was the day we spent with you in Lisbon.

Again, thank you, and we hope to keep in touch with you in the future.


Myrna and Howard F.  (Los Angeles. USA)




Dear Patricia,


I am writing to thank you very much for the terrific tour yesterday.
I really enjoyed it and learned a lot. I loved all the pieces of knowledge based on your work in the archives.
I particularly appreciated learning how large the Jewish community was in different periods - that not only the small area in Alfama constituted  the Jewish streets or Juderia in medieval times. 
I also loved the way you brought  to life for us the life of the Jewish refugees in the 20th century. I look forward to staying in touch and in learning from you on future trips to Lisbon.

I thank you again for including me in the tour  and look forward to hearing back  from you.

Thank you & Best wishes,


Jennifer B. (USA)



Dear Patricia and Joseph,


This is a much overdue thank you for our wonderful stay with you last month.

Our visit to Portugal was wonderful, but our stay with you and the opportunity to share your insights into Portugal and Portuguese Jewish history was truly a high point.
Patricia’s tour of Lisbon and her wealth of knowledge made a huge impression on us. It was an excellent introduction to the country for which we are very grateful.

We hope to come back again.

We will remember our stay with you which is still very much in our thoughts.

With kind regards and best wishes /


Connie & Jonathan W. (Krakow. Poland)




Dear friends,



Our vacation in Lisbon was more than wonderful – it was inspiring.

 I attribute this solely to your personal magic and the way you made us feel welcomed in your home.

Please accept the heartfelt appreciation of my family and myself.

 We will always remember the inspiring Shabbat we spent at your home in Lisbon.

 I venture to say that all worldly accoutrements could not begin to establish the spirit which permeated your home.

In my opinion, your home provided the spiritual essence of Shabbat.

Truly a blessed time and space.

It is written, is it not, in the Talmud, that a Roman Emperor said to Rabbi Joshua Chanania:

 “Why has the Sabbath dish such a fragrant odor?

It is because we have a certain seasoning, which we put into it, and that gives it a fragrant odor.

Give me the recipe asked the Emperor. That is impossible the Rabbi retorted, because it is the Sabbath and for those who do not keep it, it is of no avail.”

My best personal regards to both of you.

I fervently hope that our paths may cross in the future on an equally pleasant and uplifting encounter.


Jacob A. Family  (New-York. USA)




Dear Patricia and Yosef,


We just spent our first Shabbat at home in three weeks.

It was good to be home again, but we spent a lot of our time telling over to our friends and family the amazing
stories about Portuguese history, that you both shared with us last week .

Thankfully, we took Patricia’s formal Lisbon tour on
Monday morning. It put many things in perspective for us and gave us a picture of what Jewish life was REALLY like in Portugal over the centuries. (The Lonely Planet wrote a couple of lines).
Patricia is a true investigative historian with a wealth of knowledge and a passion to share it, because it is truth and largely unknown to the general and Jewish public.

Then we spent Friday night, Shabbat lunch, Saturday and Sunday nights and Monday morning with you both.

What a wonderful experience!

First, you are both so genuine and caring (for each other) and for your guests.

Patricia helped us plan our last day to sightsee and if we had had more time, would have kept us busy with suggestions for a week!
Honestly, we would have liked to just sit and listen to Yosef’s stories for another week, but we will have to return for that privilege.

We were in Lisbon because of a medical conference and it was the week of Purim.

It dampened our spirit a bit, but when Patricia gave us a misloach manot on Erev Purim after the megillah reading, we were suddenly revived!

It was so thoughtful and unexpected that it simply ”made”
our Purim.

We are so grateful that we found “Kosher in Lisbon” on time.

Our trip to Portugal was so much more meaningful and informative for having met and shared our time with Patricia and Yosef.

We highly recommend to anyone who is unsure to sign up

You will not regret it and will only gain from the decision.

It is, in fact, a ”win-win” situation because you will be giving
to them as much as they will be giving to you, just in a different way.

We want to bring our children to meet you both.

I hope God gives us all the health, strength and parnasa to fulfil this desire.

In the meantime, may He bless you both with only the best of things until we return and for many years after...

With great affection and gratitude to you both,


Lydia & Rav. Mitch R. (Israel )




Good evening Patricia

We want to thank you, as we have just returned to Paris,

for your guided tour in the footsteps of Judaism Lisbon (Visigoths today!).

You made us share History, the big and the small,

with your anecdotes illustrated by a halt, under a porch,

in front of a shop with old signs ...

A whole past that reappears in the course of a street,

of a place where a shady park.

You have been able to revive this often tragic and close past.

What about the emotion at the Monday morning service with the release of the Torah at the Great Synagogue of Lisbon

that your husband and you organized the day before for the next day when you felt that you could gather 10 people.

A regret reading your guestbook, the one not having had time to appreciate your culinary skills ...

Thank you again for these wonderful memories

Chabat Chalom


Joelle and François S. (Paris. France)




Hi Patricia,


Warm regards from Paris: a very good year for you and your loved ones. Health first.

thank you for advising us:

We have a very good memory of our first day spent in your company: we learned a lot about Jewish history in Portugal. You are very learned.

We will not fail to recommend you to our friends and hope to see you again on a future visit.

Best regards


Pascal F. & family (Paris. France)




Very very good B&B in Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal.

The apartment is very nice, spacious with hardwood floors, high ceilings, large windows, balcony, etc. It feels like home. In a quiet and relaxing environment, the two bedrooms are large, the bedding is comfortable and the private bathroom is very clean.

Comfortable and excellent facilities with WIFI.

Patricia  and Joseph  are gracious hosts and put you immediately at ease.

Speaking French, English and Portuguese, they are very welcoming and are aware of local activities and good places.

They will tell with passion the Portugal story that they know better than any other Portuguese in the area.

Of great kindness, they will guide you and give you good advice for finding your way in this attractive country.

Patricia is the perfect house hostess, she's always very caring.

Breakfasts are very good, plentiful, well presented and full: homemade jams, mezonot bread, egg, coffee, hot chocolate and fruit juices.

As for meals, they are amazing, worthy of a great restaurant.  
In short all is delicious.

I highly recommend this place for anyone looking for accommodation in Lisbon with kosher meals.

You will feel like to live with longtime friends while
maintaining privacy.

Personally, I have never been so well received and I would definitely go back again.


Shlomo P.   (Jerusalem)




Dear Patricia and Joseph,


I only have a few days left of my trip in Portugal before I return home.

I must tell you that the Shabbat with the both of you was, without a doubt, the highlight of my trip.

A few years ago, I heard the ex- Chief Rabbi of Britain,
Lord Jonathan Sacs, speak in Manchester.

He said something that I will always remember.

He explained how important it is to thank people and to let them know that they are appreciated, for what they do and who they are.

I want to thank you for everything; for your hospitality and for all the kindness that you showed me over the past few days.

I felt so comfortable and at home, so much so that I did not want to leave on Sunday morning!

I will miss you both and already do, I can't believe that it was only a few hours ago that I said goodbye to the both of you and Patricia came down to the street and called a taxi for me! I became very emotional in the taxi and on the train!

I would like to thank you for being so inspiring. The fascinating stories and Jewish a-History tour are memories that I will always carry with me.

You have become role models for me in many ways.

I hope with all my heart to see you again in the future.

I have gained more than is possible to express from the Shabbat and from the tour just a few hours ago.

I speak about you a lot and am telling everyone I know that if they go to Portugal then they should stay with you because it was such a special Shabbat. I do plan on visiting you again and will let you know when I come.

P.S I have to say again, that the food this weekend was fantastic!

Thinking of you both and hoping you are having a lovely week!

Best Wishes,


Michal S.  (Manchester. U.K)




Dear friends,


Shavoua Tov

As promised, I am sending you below our contribution to the guestbook.

We started to give your address to our close friends in Lausanne.

For now, we have no plans to come back but we will organize a few days for my parents.

After a few days spent in your company, we are back at home.

Despite a short stay in Lisbon, we return with full of pictures and stories head.

You put the dishes in the large every moment to make our stay as pleasant as possible, whether at the level of amenities (comforts of the apartment and meals) in the enthusiasm you put in guided tours.

We try to recreate in these few lines of our admiration for what you get to offer: a true Kosher stay despite the fact that Jewish life is less developed than in other European countries.

We assigned the role of ambassador for your guest house in our community and have already shared some knowledge with your contact information so that they too can live the Lisbon's experience with the care and kindness you 're showing.

Thank you for giving us the desire to return to Portugal and letting us discover the Lisbon Jewish with his pan of sometimes overlooked story ...

See you soon


Valerie and Thierry M.  (Lausanne. Switzerland)




Hello Patricia and Joseph,


Jeff and I wanted to Thank You for all of your amazing hospitality during our visit to Lisbon.  Your home is very warm and welcoming, comfortable as well.  

The food was absolutely delicious.  We were so excited to eat fresh, local grown produce, cooked to gourmet perfection.

Shabbos in Lisbon was exceptional.  
The Shul is absolutely beautiful and I have been showing my friends the picture postcards that you gave us.  
During our travels, many people asked us where we stayed in Lisbon and how did we find Kosher food.  We told everyone about your outstanding Bed and Breakfast.  

Patricia, we so appreciated the packed lunches that you made for us to take on our outings.  The food was delicious, and we always had more than we could ever finish.  
We had not a single worry about where to find Kosher food or if we would be able to eat on our outings.  You packed up everything so carefully and lovingly.  We really felt pampered and want you to know how much we appreciated it.

We both enjoyed the tour that you gave us of the Old Jewish
Quarter of Lisbon and the history of the Jews during the time of the Inquisition and Expulsion.  

You obviously did a lot of research on the subject which made the tour that much more interesting.  

Jeff and I want to wish you both a Happy and Healthy New Year.  May you both be inscribed in the Book of Life for the coming year.

Have a lovely, peaceful and restful Shabbos,

Very best regards,


Deborah and Jeff R.  (Cincinnati, Ohio (USA)




Dear friends,


We just returned home last night, and I planned to write you a note today to thank you for a beautiful Shabbat dinner in the magnificent city of Lisbon.

The food was delicious, and Beryl and I had a wonderful time.

We enjoyed your company, and we learned a lot about the history of Portugal and about past and present Jewish life in Portugal.

Shabbat services at your synagogue and dinner at your home were definitely one of the highlights of our trip.

We are grateful for the memorable experience you provided for us.

If you ever come to Baltimore, please contact me.

I will definitely share your names with anyone I know who is traveling to Lisbon.

Thank you again and I wish you a Healthy and Happy new Year!

All the Best,


Frona & Beryl B.  (Baltimore. USA)




Good evening

This email is certainly designed to let you know that we arrived safely after a trip uneventful, but it is also an opportunity to thank you for the great time we had in Lisbon.

We enjoyed the quality of your home, your advice and help to visit the city all the information you gave us about the history of the Jews of Lisbon, the delicious cuisine of Patricia, the atmosphere of Shabbat, the charm of a beautiful apartment ...

All that we have found in your home and we are very grateful for that.


Jean-Claude et Ginette W. (Paris. France)




Dear friend,


I arrived a few hours ago, and now finally things started to calm down.

Thank you very much for the sandwiches and the entire meal - it was great and kept me going without a problem.

Thank you for your wonderful hospitality, and a memorable Shabbat.

Last night even though I was very tired from the trip, I retold my husband many of amazing stories and fascinating facts that you have told me over the Shabbat.

I wanted to thank you again, because it made me understand many things much better.

Talking with both of you was a real contribution to the enjoyment of the trip (and of course also the great food...).

I wish you both good health, and better eye sight, for many years,

Good willing, we will be in touch in the future,


Noa B.  (Jerusalem)




 Dear friend,


Best wishes for another wonderful Shabbat in Lisbon.

We arrived in Los Angeles last night very late.

We are happy to be safe and sound, back at our home, but we had such a marvelous trip in Portugal, thanks to you.

Our Shabbat was incredible and it was so interesting and exciting. the next day's tour of Lisbon was outstanding.

It was one of the highlights of our trip!

I hope we will have the opportunity to come back soon. And on the plane from Lisbon to New York, I watched a docudrama about none other than Sousa Mendez!

I would never have known about him or had any interest if not for Joseph!.  I will once more wish you and your husband hotzlocha rabbah with your efforts in your beautiful community, great health, and much happiness and Brachot for the coming year.

May all your Bakashot and Tefillot to H" be granted and may you and Joseph be sealed and signed in the coming year in the Book of Life, b,ezrat H".

Be in touch. it was wonderful to make new friends in Portugal.

We have very fond memories of our very warm but wonderful Shabbat in Lisbon.

With Love,


Joanie and Yossie Z.  (Los Angeles)




Dear Patricia and Joseph,


We had a long flight yesterday, waiting in Brussels for 5 hours, and then flying another 4+ hours.  We got home B"H at 4am (6am Lisbon time)!  On the flight from Brussels to Tel Aviv, they didn't have my Kosher meal...  But I was not too hungry, thanks to the week of excellent nourishment in your hands!!!

Again, I have no adequate words to thank you for your wonderful and warm hospitality, for the delicious, wholesome and kosher meals, and for all the good advise for exploring Lisbon!  

We left Lisbon with the satisfaction of having gained you two as new friends!  I hope we will soon meet again, be it in Lisbon or in Israel!  Please do look us up when you come to Israel!!!

Beezrat Hashem, keep strong and in good health!

Shabat Shalom and with fond regards,


Otto and Aaron F.  (Israel)




Dear Patricia and Joseph


First of all thanks for the pictures.

Secondly many thanks for your hospitality and kindness and the good feeling you gave us.

We really felt at home at your place.

The guidance you gave us in Lisbon and other places were a great help for us.

And by that we visited many interesting places in your beautiful country.

If you sometime will visit Israel please let us know and we will be very happy to meet you.

All the best, many many thanks for all you did.

Warm regards from Jerusalem, shavu'ah tov,


Rina and David C.,   & Yael and Uri V.G.    (Jerusalem)




Dear Patricia, Dear Joseph,


We would like to thank you most sincerely for your warm welcome during our four days in Lisbon with our children.

This was the first time we went to bed and breakfast and we were delighted.

Your apartment is very nice, comfortable and spacious, and it has a soul. It was a real pleasure to share your charming company which allowed us to know much more about the history of the Jews in Portugal, to appreciate this beautiful city of Lisbon thanks to your good advice and to take advantage of the guided tour Of the "Jewish Lisbon" organized by Patricia that we strongly recommend.

We can not fail to emphasize the culinary talents of Patricia who from breakfast to dinner, passing by the "take away" of the noon, made a no fault! Dishes prepared with fresh produce, homemade recipes (special mention for bread and jams) and a presentation worthy of great restaurants.

We will keep an excellent memory of this stay and hope to come back next year.

See you soon


Rebecca, Yves, Lea and David M.  (France)




Dear Patricia,


I would like to thank you warmly for your hospitality and kindness.

We had a great time enjoying the delicious dinner on Sunday night and the good company of your husband.

The morning spent together yesterday (too short!)) Allowed us to enjoy the treasures of Lisbon in a unique and incredible way.

Not to mention all these little addresses you recommended!

Thank you again for sharing your passion for the history of Lisbon and sharing with us a little bit of your knowledge. We will be back for the chance to spend the whole day with you and know the rest of the story!

Take good care of you two,

With all our affection and very soon SDV ...


Geraldine and Arnaud A. (France)




Dear Patricia,

Dear Joseph,


Thank you for your warm welcome!

We had a wonderful time and you have passed on your love
of Lisbon!

We look forward to returning you visit this time with our three little children!

I regretted not being able to say goodbye to you Patricia!

See you soon,


Marie and Olivier  C. (Genève. Switzwerland)




Hello Patricia


We wanted to reiterate how important your visit was exciting.

It enriched our stay and certainly our memory.

See you soon for maybe a Shabbat in you b "H.

I will not fail to broadcast your details around me.

Cordial Shalom


Corinne et Rodolphe B.  (Paris. France)




Hello Joseph and Patricia,


You anticipate me I expected to write to thank you.

We also enjoyed so much the meal which was really succulent and your company.

You have taught us so many things!

We hope to return soon in your beautiful city.

Thank you again for your welcome and your valuable advice.

See you soon.

Cordial Shalom.


Sylvie et Mickael A. (France )




Dear Joseph & Patricia,


We would like to thank you both again for last Shabbat.

The warmth of you hospitality, the company and delicious meals enhanced our Shabbat and experience of Lisbon.

We hope to see you again soon,


Beverley & Arnold D. (USA)




So wonderful !

I can't stop raving about our stay with you to all of our friends.

You totally enhanced our stay in Portugal.

Wishing you both a Shana tova.


Deena and Shira (USA)




Shalom Patricia and Joseph


Many thanks for your company and delicious meals.  Sandwiches were also fantastic.

Hopefully one day we will return to Lisbon to learn the story of the Portuguese inquisition from the expert.…

Robert B. (Australia)




Dear friends,

Many thanks for your good wishes which we reciprocate.

We often think of our holiday in Lisbon with fondness.

Shana tova,


Dunny and Jeannette R. (Israel)




  Dear friends,

We allways will remember your hospitality on our stay in lisbon.
may the coming year bring only joy, healh and prosparity.
warm greetings from jerusalem,


Rina & David, Yael & Uri P. (Israel)




Dear Joseph and Patricia,


Thank you very much for the wonderful Shabbat  we spent with you last week.

You made us feeling like at home, and you enriched us with your knowledge of Portuguese Jewish history.
It's a mitzvah to give  this unique opportunity of having Kosher Shabbat in Lisbon.
Shana Tova


Orna and Robert R.  (Jerusalem)




Shana tova, ktiva ve hatima tova.

Hope you are all well.
Remember our stay with you in Lisbon with smile. Keep running.


Avraham and Rosa A. from the Holy Land.




Dear friend,


Thank you for the pictures. We arrived home safe.
We had a fine time at your B&B and enjoyed the Lisbon sites you recommended!

We do have good memories of our trip to Portugal and our stay with you.

Most of our friends have never been to Portugal and were interested to hear all about it. Staying with you made our Lisbon visit very special.

Shabbat shalom and best of health and success to you and your community,

Thank you again.


Eli and Reena  (Beit Gamliel, Israel)




Good evening Patricia


A very big thank you and especially a big congratulations for
this visit of the Jewish district of Lisbon.

We very much appreciated your professionalism as well
as the extent of your historical knowledge.

Everything was perfect: the story of the inquisition, the anecdotes, the places and characters to make us live and share the rich Jewish past of Lisbon.



Michèle and Marco B. (France)






Thanks for the great guided tour.

We really learned a lot. 

Thanks for a wonderful tour on Sunday, and of course for the beautiful Shabbat meal.

We will send your contact details to our friends for their
future visits. 

Best regards,


Matty M. (Israel)






We would like to thank you again for a lovely, informative stay we had with you in Lisbon. We will certainly recommend your services to any Jewish families we know who might be traveling your way.

With best wishes for a peaceful, healthy year,


Miri & Steven B.  (New-York – USA)




Thank you very much, Patricia & Joseph,
it was absolutely lovely to be at your home!

Best regards


Becky G. (Chicago – USA)




Dear Patricia,


We thank you for visiting the Jewish Quarter of Lisbon and for all the information you have given us to discover this beautiful city.

Through your guided tour, we enjoyed the places and the history of the Jews of Portugal that you told us.

Warm regards


Eric, Valérie and Hugo L. (Paris. France)




Dear Patricia,


Thank you for a very memorable tour of Lisbon last month.

We will return !

I was just advising my French discussion group to go to Lisbon — what a wonderful city!  

The tour you gave us was a highlight of our trip.  

Your stories about Portuguese Jewish life inspired and informed, and your expertise deepened our appreciation of your beautiful city.

Thank you for making our trip so memorable.

With best wishes,  


Amy V. & Selwyn N.  (Austin, Texas. USA)




Boker tov Patrícia,


I hereby thank you for having spent a very enjoyable Shabbat.

The food was very exquisite !

We also enjoy sharing very interesting stories,
we like to learn cultural and historical levels.

Thanks again for the availability and attention,

Shavuah Tov


Sara & Abraham C. (Lisbon. Portugal)






We had a lovely time visiting with you and your husband.

Everything was absolutely delicious.

We also appreciate the way everything was so nicely presented.

Thank you again for everything and may you both have Chag Sameach.

All The best,


Rachelle and Chaim (New York)




Dear Patricia and Joseph,


There are not enough words to describe our appreciation to your hospitality.

Meeting you both gave our journey a deeper and richer meaning.

Patricia, your knowledge about the Jewish life in Lisbon was so
impressive, we enjoyed the tour a lot and we felt that you are helping us connect to the stories of the people hundreds of years ago as if they lived with us. Joseph - every simple discussion with you was so interesting. We felt that talking with you is like a tour in your rich life experience and it was a pleasurable time for us.

Patricia -you are a gifted cook and we thank you for the delicious meals.

Thanks to both of you we were exposed to Portuguese art. We are thankful for your kindness and your warm welcome.

The time with you upgraded our vacation from a good one to an amazing one! - Thank you!

Even the opportunity to feel the antique elevator in person was
interesting :)

May Hashem give you lot of strength to continue the amazing job that you are already doing.

All the best and please come to visit us in Jerusalem


Shelly and Amit B. (Jerusalem, Israel )




Dear Joseph and Patricia,


Thank you so much for your great companionship, hospitality, cuisine and conversation.

Through you we have both learned a great deal about the central place the Jews of Portugal have payed in our long journey in the galut.

We know it can be difficult as "outsiders" in Jewish communities but the role you both play in teaching is unique in my experience and the detailed and scholarly knowledge as well as the lived history of our people both here in in other parts of Europe and Iberia is


Our deepest thanks and good wishes.



David and Caroline B.  (Melbourne. Australia)




Dear Patricia and Joseph


Thank you so very much for your wonderful hospitality last shabbat.

Paul and I enjoyed very much spending fri night with you and your guests.

Your history of portugal is fascinating

Thanks so very much


Carolyn & Paul S. (USA)




Hi Patricia,


We had a fantastic experience at your place Friday night - amazing food and company!

We will definitely recommend you to our friends and family visiting Lisbon.

I hope we meet again!



Dena & Brad W.  (USA)




Dear Patricia,


I hope all is well !

I want to thank you again for an amazing Shabbos - the food and hospitality were amazing and it was so nice getting to know you, Patricia & Joseph, and the Lisbon community.



Ben  G.  (N.Y. USA)




Hi Patricia,


First of all I want to thank you for an amazing stay with you. It did not feel like a B@B but like visiting friends.

Thanks for your warmth and kindness.

Thanks again and warmest regards,

Iliana B. (USA)


Dear Patricia and Joseph,


We came back to Jerusalem after a wonderful week in Portugal.

We wanted to thank you for hosting us "last minute" for
Shabbat dinner.

We had a great time being with you and your other guests.
Tasting your delicious food was also part of the experience, we especially loved the chocolate mousse and red fruits sorbet!! :)

It was also beautiful to pray in the Beit Knesset of Lisbon and to get to know a little the Lisbon Jewish community.

We really fell in love with Portugal and hope to be back very soon.

Please give us a sign if you come visit Jerusalem, we would be happy to meet!



Lea and Louise (Jerusalem)




Dear Patricia and Joseph,


I often think about the terrific time I had in Lisbon staying with you.

I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of good health
and happiness and may you continue to do your amazing work of welcoming visitors to the Lisbon community.

I can not wait to see you again and you'll be well fed.

I will not forget your kindness and hope that we will meet again soon.

Best wishes and Shalom Shabbat,


Rob B.  (Melbourne. Australia)




Dear Patricia & Joseph,


We want to deeply thank you for the warmth, the hospitality, the advice and above all the outstanding guidance we received concerning Jews in Portugal in general and in Lisbon in particular.

The sacred mission you took upon yourselves is shining over Europe and glorifies the role of the Jewish people and their contribution to mankind history.

As mentioned yesterday, we will gladly provide recommendations to other potential customers and families.

We wish you Ketiva vachatima tova, health, happiness and joy.

Shana tova


Yocheved & Dr. Yehuda R.  (Jerusalem)




Patricia and Joseph,


I returned to Paris today after my stay in London.

I wanted to thank you very much for your hospitality and dedication.

Before leaving I prayed to make nice meetings,

I am answered !!!

You are a living example of a true Jewish couple, respectful of one another and devoted to our people!

That keeps you and gives you the strength and especially the health to continue your mission !!

I thank you very much for putting you on my way! I felt very at ease and very peaceful ;-) at home !!

I wish you many good things, and satisfactions!

I hope to see you again soon !

Thank you for everything !

Ya'akov M.  (Paris. France)




Dear Patricia, Dear Joseph,


We would like to thank you most sincerely for your hospitality during these three days that we spent with you in Lisbon.

We ate very well and drank well for Shabat, discovering on this occasion the "tchoulent".

We listened with great pleasure to the tasty anecdotes narrated by Joseph whose life is not a long, quiet river.

We were pleased to discover the history of the Jews in Portugal
and enjoy this beautiful city of Lisbon thanks to the guided tour
organized by Patricia that we highly recommend.

We will keep an excellent memory of this stay and will probably come again next time to complete the discovery of Lisbon.

With our best memory


Patrick and Monique C.  (Paris. France)





I want to thank you so much for your hospitality, your visit ...
and all that we have learned thanks to you.

We were delighted,

See you soon



Alain & Céline B.  (Paris, France)




While in Lisbon for a weekend in love, my husband and I dined
on Friday night at Patricia and Joseph after the service in the
magnificent synagogue of Lisbon.

Both of us were extremely welcome, the meal was delicious,
and we also had the opportunity to meet two other lovely couples from the United States and Israel.

The culture and the stories of our guests' anecdotes have made this evening unforgettable!

Thank you again dear Patricia, dear Joseph for your generosity,
your kindness and your love for Lisbon that you were able to share with us.

I can not recommend enough your hospitality to those around me!

Looking forward to returning to your beautiful city ..

Marielle and David A. (London. UK)




Dear friend,


We arrived home last night, safely but very tired.

This morning we were able to look at your wonderful photos of Lisbon. It truly is a beautiful city...rain or sun, but sunny is magnificent.

We had one of the most memorable experiences of our entire trip exploring Lisbon with you.

Your passion for its Jewish history (and for Lisbon generally) touched us deeply.

Myrna and I thank you for a wonderful and eductional day in Lisbon. Meeting you and learning about the Jewish history of Lisbon was very special and meaningful.

Our day with you was one of the major highlights of our trip.

We have told all our friends and family that one of the highlights of our 55th wedding anniversary trip was the day we spent with you in Lisbon.

Again, thank you, and we hope to keep in touch with you in the future.


Myrna and Howard F. (Los Angeles. USA)





Dear Patricia,

Thank you for a very memorable tour of Lisbon last month.

We will return !

I was just advising my French discussion group to go to Lisbon — what a

wonderful city!

The tour you gave us was a highlight of our trip.

Your stories about Portuguese Jewish life inspired and informed, and your

expertise deepened our appreciation of your beautiful city.

Thank you for making our trip so memorable.

With best wishes,


Amy V. & Selwyn N. (Austin, Texas)




Thank you so much for the fascinating tour.

We are now experiencing Lisbon through new eyes.

Amazing the role Jews have played in the history of Europe

and how little one can easily learn about it.

I deeply admire what you are doing to preserve and enhance Lisbon's Jewish


And I wish you all the best. Thanks you again!


Laura & Lily S. (New-York – USA)




Dear Joseph and Patricia,

Thank you very much. You enriched us with your knowledge of Portuguese Jewish



Shana Tova

Orna and Robert R. (Jerusalem)




Dear Patricia,

We, my brother and I, thank you for those few hours spent in your company, discovering Lisbon.

You have shared your passion and enthusiasm for the history of Lisbon and Judaism. An unforgettable moment.

Thank you again, and I hope to see you soon.

best regard


Betty B.& Albert W. (Switwerland)




Good evening Patricia,

We still want to thank you for our momentous sharing in Lisbon,
the guided tour was great and the Shabbat a pure pleasure!

Thank you again for your kindness and welcome

Shabbat shalom


David and Elizabeth A. (Marseille. France)




Thank you Patricia and Joseph.

Shana Tova to you and you should have the strength to continue for many years to perform the Chesed that you do for visitors to your beautiful city.


David F.




Shalom Patricia and Joseph

Many thanks for your company.

Hopefully one day we will return to Lisbon to learn again the story of the Portuguese inquisition from the expert.…


Dr. B. (New-York - USA)





B"H I arrived on time today in Israel and I am so happy to join my family again.

Thanks for the great time in your place and Lisbon.

It was very nice to talk with you.

Your are amazing people.

I always have nice remembers from my staying there.

Hope to see you soon again in Lisbon or in Israel

May Hashem send you braja, briut, behatlaja and parnasa tova.

Let’s be in touch. Thanks & Regards,


Gabriel (Jérusalem)




Dearest Friends,

I must say that I think about you both a lot.

It was a real pleasure to meet you. You made our stay in Lisbon so memorable and


I hope this finds you both well.

All the best and thank you again for EVERYTHING!!!


Rosie & Arnold (Jerusalem - Israel)





I have to tell you that Estelle and I very much enjoyed staying with you and we

hope in the future to visit Lisbon again.

I just wanted to send you a note to tell you how much we enjoyed our stay with

you in Lisbon.

Estelle and I enjoyed very much our trip to Portugal and I am sure we will return

again to revisit Lisbon

Meanwhile, we wish you both a Shabbat Shalom

All the best

Warm regards,


Estelle and Edgar A. (Jérusalem - Israel)




Hello Patricia


We had a great time together. The visit tour was very informative and we learned a lot !



Jose & Helene H. (Luxembourg)




Dear Patricia and Joseph,

Danielle and I landed safely b"H and are back to regular life.

We miss your home and sightseeing in Portugal.

Thank you for hosting us, your warmth and help.

Staying at your kosher B & B was a highlight of your trip!

Wishing you and Joseph only health and smachot.

Warm regards,

Zahava and Danielle (New York.




Dear Patricia and Joseph

A belated Purim Sameach.
Hope  you enjoyed the festival in Lisbon.

We would like to thank  you also for your hospitality when we were in Lisbon.

We very much enjoyed our few days in Portugal, and it was especially good to have a kosher home to go to on Shabbat
and to enjoy beautiful home-cooked food !

Kind regards


Selma and Ian V. (London. UK)




Hello Patricia


My husband and I would like to thank you for your warm welcome to Lisbon last week.

We especially enjoyed the visit of the Jewish Lisbon during which, dear Patricia, you spared no time to make us discover this beautiful and old community and at the same time the city of Lisbon.

Thanks to you and Joseph, we had a wonderful Shabat.

Your dishes were delicious and we feasted.

We have an unforgettable memory of our stay in Lisbon

and we will be sure to contact you for next holidays in Portugal

Purim sameah and Shabbat Shalom


Josiane and Jean-Jacques S. (Paris. France)




Hello, Patricia and Joseph,


My husband and I wanted to thank you for this warm welcome, and for those meals that won us over.

You love your country and you make us discover its history.

Thanks again for this stay.
We will come back if God wants with the children!

See you soon

Michael and Galit C. (Paris. France)




Thanks Patricia!

We keep an excellent memory of our Lisbon tour with you and look forward to coming back. We also wish you a very happy Passover holiday

Warm regards,


Sylvie et Frédéric S. (Paris. France)




Thank you and Hag Sameah!

We keep an excellent memory of this morning with you in Lisbon,
its Jewish past and all the anecdotes you have returned to us with great emotion.
Not to mention this unexpected chahrit office in the Great Synagogue.

Happy Passover Day to all your community


Joelle & François S. (Paris. France




Hag sameah !!!

We have kept an excellent memory of Lisbon thanks to your guided tour.

Warm regards


Umberto and Pierrette B. (Paris, France)




Thank you very much !

Je voulais vous exprimer toute ma gratitude et celle de tous mes amis pour l'excellent temps passé en votre compagnie et pour le travail remarquable que vous faites pour perpétuer la mémoire juive.

Nous avons été captivés par votre histoire, par les lieux si émouvants vous nous avez fait connaître et pour cela je vous dis merci.

Je n'hésiterai pas à parler de vous à quiconque souhaite visiter Lisbonne.

Merci encore et merci d'avoir largement dépassé le temps alloué pour cette visite.

Hag Pesach Sameah


Lynda M. (Paris, France).




Chère Patricia et Joseph,


Avec un peu de retard, nous aimerions vous remercier sincèrement pour l'exceptionnel «Dîner du Shabbat» que nous avons partagé dans votre appartement.
Nous nous souviendrons longtemps de l'heureuse coïncidence qui nous a fait rencontrer de vieux amis à votre table, de l'excellence et de la qualité du dîner et des discussions intéressantes tout au long du repas.

En attendant de revenir bientôt à Lisbonne,



Bonne continuation et bonnes amitiés,